audio production

Sound Work:

I first started running sound back in high school. Since then I’ve gained over 8 years of experience running sound for various events, shows, concerts, and worship services. In addition to my weekly church work, you can see a few of my show credits I’ve acquired over the last few years. 

Spring Sing 2023 - Stand Out

Spring Sing is a musical revue hosted once a year by Harding University. School social clubs get the opportunity to sing and dance and compete for cash prizes for charities of their choice. Hundreds of students participate each year and the show is hosted in an auditorium with 3600+ seating capacity. For this production I served as one of the two board operators, mixing all 26 of the vocal mics. 

The Crucible

The Crucible was directed by Britton Lynn and produced at Harding University. The play told the story of the Salem witch trials and highlights the human vulnerability to fear and mass hysteria. For this show I designed all the sound effects and underscoring. I designed and implemented a basic surround sound system that immersed the audience in rich sound effects and nerve-racking audio.

Roger & Hammerstiens' Cinderella

Roger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella was directed by Ben Jones and produced at Harding University in the Benson Auditorium. The Benson Auditorium is the largest venue on Harding’s venue an can seat over 3,600 people. Roger & Hammerstein’s Cinderella told the story of Ella and her journey of discovering true love. For this show I mixed the 20 vocalist mics in addition to the live orchestra in the pit and the 6 back up singers.

Spring Sing 2022 - Moments

Spring Sing is a musical revue hosted once a year by Harding University. School social clubs get the opportunity to sing and dance and compete for cash prizes for charities of their choice. Hundreds of students participate each year and the show is hosted in an auditorium with 3600+ seating capacity. For this production I served as the board operator mixing the nearly 60 microphones for this production. 

Antigone - 2022

Antigone was directed by Robin Miller, and was a 1930’s war take on the classic Greek Tragedy. The play told the story of Creon, and his lessons he learned in leadership. For Antigone I was the soundscape designer as well as the Soundboard Operator. I collaborated with the director to establish the overall sound of the show, and then designed all the SFXs including the live vocal processing. I oversaw 13 microphones as well as the installation of several additional speakers to the space. 

Spring Sing "Twice Upon A Time"
- 2021

Spring Sing is a musical revue hosted once a year by Harding University. School social clubs get the opportunity to sing and dance and compete for cash prizes for charities of their choice. Hundreds of students participate each year and the show is hosted in an auditorium with 3600+ seating capacity. For this production I served as the Audio Tech assistant, helping to troubleshoot problems, as well as cue music and sound effects.

Much Ado About Nothing - 2021

Much Ado was directed by Steven Frye. The play told the love story of Beatrice and Benedict, and their friends & families determination to make them fall in love. For this show I oversaw all sixteen microphones, as well as the mixing of the show. The largest challenge I faced during this production was the plastic masks the actors had to wear. The biggest take away from this show was growth in my EQing abilities

Struggle Bus - 2021

Struggle Bus was directed by Robin Miller and was adapted by Harding University from the book, Struggle Bus, by Josh Wood. The play told the story of a family with nine kids, and their adventures in their fifteen-passenger van. For this production I oversaw the eight microphones used, as well as the mixing of the show. The biggest issue I faced in this production was the fabric facial masks, but I overcame this issue with several different techniques in EQing.

Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play - 2020

Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play was directed by Ben Jones. Vintage Hitchcock was a combination of three separate plays, each performed as if they were old-times live radio plays. For Vintage Hitchcock I was responsible for setting up all the mics used, managing the fifteen microphones throughout the show, mixing the show, and cueing over sixty sound effects. I was also responsible for designing and programing the live vocal FXs on the actors mics. I was asked to do this show ten minutes before the first tech rehearsal, and ran though the show successfully with no prep time.

Our Place - 2020

Our Place, directed by Cassie Chisum, was a beautiful story about how one space can mean many different things to many different people. For Our Place I was responsible for creating as well as implementing the sound effects used in the production. I learned about the production process for SFXs as well as how to creatively mix audio to create environments.

Hands On A Hard Body -2020

Hands On A Hard Body, directed by Britton Lynn, was a musical about a competition to win a truck. For Hard Body I was responsible for the 15 microphones, as well as mixing the show. Because of the set design, and the actors close proximity to eachother, this show really taught me how to ride faders and balance singing voices.

Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley - 2019

Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley, directed by Robin Miller, was a continuation of Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice. For Christmas at Pemberley, I was responsible for managing and mixing the eight microphones used in this show. 

studio work

downtown singing | volume 1

Recorded in the early part of 2023, Downtown Singing Volume 1 captured the live worship service, Downtown Singing, mixing a 12 person praise team with a congregation of about 45 college students. Downtown Singing Volume 1 was my first venture into studio audio work, and it gave me a great opportunity to grow in my mixing & audio production skills.

stream downtown singing | volume 1 wherever you stream music.